Colton's Connections

Welcome to my E-Portfolio

Lessons And Projects

Below I have linked many of the Projects and assignments I am most proud of throughout my learning journey at Uvic.

This first assignment was a project that I did for art class. Throughout the year I completed a series of art activities, drawings and projects. Below is a slideshow of all the activities and a brief description of what I did.

Just to the left is a lesson I created with Amy revolving around Math and Music. These two lessons were involving cross-curricular connections and how we as future teachers can integrate Math and Music together in the classroom.

This next project was one completed in Drama class with my colleagues Chloe and Heather. We had to create a story drama which in essence is a lesson which follows a picture books while stopping midway between sections in order to further connect with the characters and plot expressed in the book. Below is a Drama pitch I created to send to our colleagues to get them interested in reading our story Drama

This Common school presentation was a project completed in philosophy class with a big group of seven people (Alecia, Chloe, Erika, Kiana, Olivia and Steph). Through this project we were given an article to read on the how democratic the Canadian education curriculum was. Through this article we had to create a presentation to present to our colleagues to teach them about what we learned.

This activity below was a warmup game that I created in Ephe class. We were instructed to design a warmup game to teach to students. Due to the Covid outbreak, I was unable to teach this warmup to anyone in particular, but I was able to record it as if I were explaining it to a class of students.

Here is a mini-unit plan created in Ephe demonstrating the three basic components of soccer, passing, dribbling and shooting. Within these lessons, Kevin, Mackenzie and I created a fun learning environment where students can try out new ways of developing the skill of soccer.

Below is a video I created in Drama class with Carla, Jason and Kerry. The idea of this project was to create a video on previous techniques learned in the course so far. For our theme we decided to create a tv effect where each time the “channel changes” there is a different show on and therefore different technique.

This presentation was one created in my first-year Psychology course. The goal of the project was to create an intervention focusing on forgiveness. Throughout this project, I had to work together with colleagues to create a hypothetic intervention for a target audience and the various stages in how one is to implement forgiveness into their life.

This next project was another technology inquiry project where we were asked to create a presentation on a topic revolving around technology. For this project, I worked with Kevin, and we came up with the question of how does screen time influence students’ learning? Throughout this inquiry, we found many positives to screen time and more specifically technology in the classroom.

Just to the left is a lesson I created with Nathan that is one of three in a mini-unit. This lesson is an English lesson focusing on parts of speech and descriptive language at the grade 3 level.

This final project was a teacher competencies video I created to have a self-reflection on the Wednesday visits in our first semester.

The link below is a hypothetic school I created with two colleagues Carina and Mackenzie. For this school we created a mission statement, curriculum guidelines and school layout. This allowed me to see all the work that is put into not only creating a flowing education system but also the effort, communication and collaboration it takes to continue to keep it running smoothly.

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