Colton's Connections

Welcome to my E-Portfolio

Extra Curriculars

Growing up, and all throughout my life Sports have been a major influence in how I became the person I am today. Always looking for new challenges and experiences I have tried mostly all sports in school. I began in grade 8 playing soccer for the school team and for my club team (as my main sport). I played volleyball for the school team and played beach volleyball during the summertime. I also played basketball in grade 8 with my school team. Continuing through high school (as my high school was Gr 8 to 12) I played soccer and Volleyball as my main two sports dropping basketball in grade 10. I also joined a club volleyball team and competed in provincials with both my club soccer and volleyball teams. I finished off my grade 12-year playing badminton on the team that made it to the island finals as well. After graduating high school I continued to play recreational beach volleyball in the summers along with Uvic intramurals.

Last semester when we had our first wednesday visits in the elementary classroom. I was always outside at recess whenever I could to create mini soccer games with the students to create a safe space where everyone could enjoy playing soccer with some structure of teams.

I was also able to, through my own time, coach some sports teams. I was able to help coach a grade 7 girls basketball team and a grade 7 boys volleyball team. Through this coaching I was able to share my knowledge and love of these two sports.

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